
Dies While On Furlough

The Evening Record
January 2nd, 1919

The previous two articles are at the very outset of our countries entrance into the Great War, now on December 31st, 1918 over a month after the Great War had ended. Arthur Coffey dies at his parent's home while on Christmas leave of the Spanish Influenza. The article tells us that Arthur Coffey was 26 years old and had graduated from Hackensack High School and Princeton University. Arthur Coffey would have graduated from Hackensack High School around 1909-1910. The oldest yearbook available is 1911 and his name is not listed in the graduates of that year. Arthur Herbert Coffey's name is on all three World War I plaques in Hackensack. Let us never forget this serviceman's sacrifice.

Written By:
Bob Meli 2009